Sample Activities

In addition to the lesson plan and activities in the city, I have included some additional activities you could do in class separately or to enhance any of the financial literacy packages


Balch_Budget Game (1).pdf (406,5 kB) -  these game teaches students to budget without using math. Instead it has students plan how they will spend their "20 squares"

budget juggle.doc (41 kB)  - fun and active game teaches the concept of bill payment and the importance of budgeting. It is also an excellent group dynamic game for you students to get to know each other better

postitpileit.doc (76 kB) - this inclusive activity allows for personal reflection and group dynamics. In the reflective or pile-it phase, students will construct the themes or topics that instructors wishes to focus on 

FCAC Blended Lesson - Example 1(v2).docx (39,2 kB) - sample lesson plan for budgeting

FCAC Blended Lesson - Example 2(v2).docx (39,2 kB) - smaple lesson plan for budgeting

Spending Tracker.docx (16,6 kB)